Processor equipped with 2 physical cores with a frequency of 1.6GHz 4GB DDR3 RAM (including at least 1GB of free memory) Installed the original Windows 7 or higher Permament access to the Internet connection with a bandwidth of 10Mb/s Screen with a resolution of min. 1366×768
Save up to 16 business days per year *
Increase the number of satisfied customers by 73%**
84% more control over the company***
* data based on tests carried out on a sample of ten companies participating in the beta testing program compared to the period preceding the implementation of the ERPOS system ** customer satisfaction survey data on the quality of order processing carried out on a sample of customers from ten companies participating in the beta testing program compared to the period preceding the system implementation
*** data on satisfaction surveys of owners and managers of ten companies participating in the beta testing program compared to the period preceding the system implementation